For Learners: 

The East Midlands Instute of Technology: 
Provides cutting-edge teaching, facilities and curriculum; particularly in such sectors as (click on relevant button for sector courses): 
Connects learners to growing local economic strengths; raising aspirations and opportunity from school and through life 
Provides learners with non-academic and technical skills the modern workplace needs 
Increases social mobility, reaches under-represented groups, develops unidentified talent and improves gender balance in STEM industries 
Breaks down geographical barriers, through a mix of local and digital delivery, across multiple locations 
Enables learners to get good jobs and follow progression pathways, mapped out with employers 
Embeds student voice in development of EMIoT values and STEM skills delivery. 

Get in touch: 

To find out more about the East Midlands Institute of Technology please complete our Contact form or email us at